
Saturday, April 4, 2015

TELEVISION - Example essay writing in english

In the Age of Information Technology, we see a large number of electronic goods invented by the scientists. So, nothing can be done without electronic gadgets. Among the modem inventions is T.V., which has now become a boon for mass communication.

T.V. entertains our eyes and ears. It accumulates thinking power. It is no longer luxury. It blends education with entertainment. It is an audio visual deuce which provides plenty of information. But it becomes an effective medium in changing both the social and political order.

Most of the serials telecast through TV. Affect the people and make them aware of the prevailing environment and condition of the

Although TV has become an easy and regular source of entertainment, it takes an important role of booster. The usefulness of T.V cannot be underestimated at all.

While sitting in a room, one can witness the events of any comer of the world. Really it is exciting we should be grateful lo TV. Baird for
the invention of T.V anybody can enjoy witnessing TV.

Regarding sports, weather, agriculture business, politics, religion and what not, serials are telecast we are gifted to have T.V The
telecast through the satellite has added a new dimension to the usefulness of T.V. As a result it, T.V. has reached almost all parts of

Television is a bane in one sense but it great boon to us. Whatever strikes good to us, one should take  advantage of it.

Like all objects of science, television is a good servant but a bad master. One can develop one's personality mental attitude optimistically
through its proper use. It serves the society in own course.

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